Thursday, February 08, 2007


Yeah, so just a very small rant today about illness.

Yesterday I was off college due to nausea and flu like symptoms. My dad doesn't know this, I knew he wouldn't believe me, so I went off to my mums house and hid away there, and acted like everything was normal. The evening progressed, I felt fine then. So I went to bed about 1am after watching a programme on the Gumball 3000 (which for those who don't know me, is one of my ambitions to do before I die, along with learning how to pilot a helicopter and own my own pub)

About 3am it would have been, I still hadn't been able to sleep, I run to the toilet to yawn in technicolour. I was quite loud, but nor did my coughing all night or my retching above the toilet bowl wake my dad up, I even said through the door "Dad, I've just been sick but I have cleaned it up"

So this morning, about 8am, he pops his head round the door and says "Are you getting up for college?", in what sounded like a sympathetic voice, it sounded like the sort of voice that implies, "Are you feeling well enough for college?", I presumed this is what my dad meant, I said "No, I still feel rough"... actually, I croaked it, yup, I woke up this morning without a voice, merely a rasp. Cue my dad to start shouting at me saying that I was just pretending, and that it's because I'm not getting EMA (which I am not, but it aint my fault, the EMA office have fucked up, and my dad wants some rent money) I tried telling my dad through my rasp that I was really ill, and his words "I don't care, get up and go to college", everytime he kept saying that when I tried to say something until I took a big deep breath in and told him to fuck off.

Those who know me well at all, know that for all the swearing I do on stage and with my friends, I make a habit of never swearing at my parents, first time I ever swore at my father was when I had my drink spiked and was completely out of it, and I have no reccolection of this, but even then I controlled myself and never used the word cunt apparently. Second time was this morning. And that is in my whole life!! So you can understand how pretty pissed off I was.

At this point he grabbed my guitars and threatened to throw them out the window saying "That'll get you out of bed" It was an idle threat, and I knew he wouldn't do it, but he came back puzzled to see why I wasn't following him.

Why was that you ask?

I was in bed coughing and choking and retching. Also at this point I think he then noticed the fact I could hardly talk, then he left me alone after making me ring up college and tell them I wouldn't be in.

So I went back to sleep, and woke up at 12:30pm, when my dad told me he booked me a doctors appointment. I thought, "Great, my throat is caning, lets see if the doc can't fix this"

My appointment is tomorrow.

It is now 8:25pm, and my voice is almost back to normal, about 70% better.

Yup, so tomorrow is the day I walk into the doctors and proclaim in a Brian Blessed mannerism, "I HAVE LOST MY VOICE"

Fucking laughable joke that is getting an appointment with the doctors these days.

I said short rant didn't I?

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