Why am I telling you this I hear you ask? (that's a cue for you to ask that out loud, then you can carry on reading) Well, it's because a wonderful thing just happened, and I feel it really shows the connection we have here at the studio. I put the kettle on, without telling Roo, I went upstairs to get dressed, I came back down dressed, and Roo was in the kitchen making brews for us both. Tea is such a wonderful thing! Who would have thought that a few dried leaves stewed in water could bring such unity amongst people?
Another reason for blogging today, is to share with you all some pictures of my bands gig on Thursday at The Blue Room, I think this one really sums me up as a person;

Mildly Dangerous
Ooooh, look at me, I'm such a rebel aren't I?
Well, I can't be bothered chatting much more, but do check out the rest of the pictures here
Well, I can't be bothered chatting much more, but do check out the rest of the pictures here
i (L) tea
(with 13 sugars =P)
You should have come frenchmans on thursday
I was there waiting to do mully-oke!
Glad to see you have restared blogging
Also, I hate tea, and you are not a sexy beast
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