Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Living in a recording studio

I don't know if anyone reads this, but yeah. If you don't already know, I no longer live with my dad (partially on account of him driving me batshit crazy), and I now live at Rock Hard Music Group's recording studio. It's an interesting life, takeaways at least twice a week, living with a mental rotweiller/german shepherd cross, which spends half it's waking hours shitting and pissing inside the unit. Oh yeah, it's a warehouse too.

Today however, I made a start of getting them used to eating healthily, and made a nice Mediterranean style warm salad, it was very nice indeed :)

Band stuff, well, we've been rehearsing quite a bit, the band is ever increasing in size too, we have a gig on Thursday at The Blue Room in town.

I'd blog more, but we're listening to some tunes on youtube, and I have beer to be drank. If I don't blog more, email me at kristoff_ska at yahoo dot com


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