Monday, February 26, 2007

My Red Nose Day Challenge

Those who know me will already know, I am doing the impossible, thinking the unthinkable, and not drinking the drinkable. I am giving up alcohol for 20 days in aid of Comic Releif.

It's a scary thought innit?

Me, the drinker of all things with a % on the bottle. Not drinking, I soon expect to see shares in breweries and distilleries plummet!

But I guess it is all for a good cause, of course, the obvious reason that the money I raise will go to a fantastic cause, and help children and families in the UK and Africa that need the help.

Also, for the fact that I am going to save money, seriously, I spend all my money on alcohol these days, and what with not having any alcohol to buy, because I can't drink it, I will have money either being unspent, or spent on wiser more permanent things.

Secondly, the health benefits, I have just done my blood pressure, and it reads as 169 over 72, which, all you need to know really, is that, that its a healthy blood pressure, and the lower both the numbers are, the healthier I am. Ideally, a blood pressure more around 140 over 60 is healthier. It would be good if I can get close to that. Whilst I did it, I also discovered that my pulse at the time was 62bpm, which is bloody chilled out I can tell you that for sure.

Also, I hope I lose some weight with cutting out the booze for 20 days. Booze makes you fat, it is a fact, they don't call it a beer belly for nothing. I am currently at the Moby Dick-esque weight of 12stone, which, for a small fella like me, is actually overweight, I should be 10 and a half stone for my height I believe. I also like that weight, I used to be that heavy until I turned 18 and my waist size went west.

So, what have I noticed so far in this, day 2, of the challenge. Well, surprisingly, I haven't had the urge to drink, infact, a friend just said do I fancy going to the pub for a pint, and I really couldn't be arsed for it. As long as I have fruit juices and tea, I am more than happy. Although I don't expect this feeling of not really caring at all to last more than 4 days. It's going to be tricky, but I am going to avoid all purveyors of alcohol until it is over so I am not tempted to the dark side hahah. Also, wierdly enough, I have only have 5 and a half hours sleep, but woke up at 10:30 this morning, and got up straight away, which is something that never happens, because I have usually drank the night before. But I feel fresh as a daisy hahah!

Oh by the way, I have currently been sponsored £55 to do this. Lets see how much money we can raise for charity eh? If you wanna sponsor me, just message me via my myspace @

Well, off to do stuff on the netterwebz!!

Kristoff x

P.S. Go Google "Jumstyle" and "Youtube", c'est fantastiqué

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